When you purchase these items, you support the great people of Sudan and the work of My Sister's Keeper.Berklee College of Music presents "We Are All Connected" - original music inspired by the crisis in Darfur.A portion of the proceeds will go to My Sister's Keeper's Darfur Advocacy initiatives.
This CD project began when My Sister's Keeper's Liz Walker and Gloria White Hammond were invited by the international relief agency Mercy Corps to visit Darfuri IDP camps in early 2004. Inspired by the upcoming trip, members of the Berklee College of Music community decided to sponsor a songwriting competition. They wanted Liz, Gloria and Mercy Corps' Linda Mason to give the gift of music to women and children of Darfur upon their arrival. Liz and Gloria witnessed firsthand the joy, tears and amazement of the women and children upon listening to the music; they were overwhelmed to discover that that people so far away cared so much about their plight. The three women also brought back recorded sounds of the music they heard from the women and chiildren of Darfur. The folks at Berklee then got busy doing what they do best -- writing songs, creating beaufiul music, assembling awesome talent and making magical music production. My Sister's Keeper's Melinda Weekes worked with our friends at Berklee to determine which songs would make the final cut. This stirring and inspired collection of songs and sounds -- "We are All Connected" -- is the amazing musical result. Check out the links below for a sampling. What better way to truly be connected to the plight of our sisters in Darfur? Get your copy of the CD (or buy it on iTunes) today! Hit us back at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and let us know what you think about what you hear!
This musical collaboration is a true testament of what can be done when we realize "we are all connected." Thank you for taking part in the efforts to address the suffering in Darfur by purchasing this CD. The CD is available through iTunes and CD Baby. Proceeds from the sale of the CD will benefit My Sister's Keeper's work in Sudan.