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It's our privilege to work for Sudan's wonderful women and great girls...


Kurnyuk School for Girls, Akon, South Sudan

We believe that educating women reverses the marginalization that has fueled Sudan’s bloody wars. That’s why we’re so committed to the 525 girls of this primary school in rural Akon. Learn more... 

Women’s Peace School, Akon, South Sudan

Our adult literacy program serves 200 women, most of whom are mothers of Kurnyuk students. Their mission statement identifies education as a key to change: “The Women’s Peace School empowers women who were not educated because of the war through life-changing knowledge and literacy. Learn more... 

Sisterhood for Peace

The Sisterhood for Peace initiative supports the growth of the network of diverse Sudanese women committed to collaborating across boundaries of race, religion, ethnicity and geography to promote peace and justice throughout all Sudan. Learn more... 

Please consider supporting these projects today. Every day, every hour, every minute counts. Donate now.

Grinding Mills
In southern Sudan, most women spend an average of eight hours a day pounding their staple grain - sorghum - into an edible powder. At the request of formerly enslaved women, My Sister's Keeper helped the villages of Panliet and Akon acquire grinding mills to help establish some sense of economic viability. Learn more...
Supporting the Prevention of HIV / AIDS
Today, as peace opens up routes of travel for the first time in decades, it brings with it an opportunity for the spread of HIV. In 2002, My Sister's Keeper brought Sudanese medical doctor Luka Deng to the United States for in-depth training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA on the prevention of HIV/AIDS in rural Africa. We are working to contain this epidemic and prevent future diagnoses.