Mobilize PDF Print E-mail

Whether you are part of a church, school, club or are a concerned individual, you can help improve the lives of people in Sudan.

Get involved now by organizing neighorhood informational meetings, letter writing campaigns, demonstrations. Call into Talk Radio. Bring up the conversation with your friends. Talk about the genocide. Learn and teach others about Sudan. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant your action, remember, everything counts.

Our Advocacy Work PDF Print E-mail

We need and welcome people of conscience to join our efforts in support of the people of Sudan. We will use this space to keep you up-to-date on ways you can advocate on their behalf and also to let you know of some of our advocacy work. We partner with other organizations across the country and the globe who work tirelessly to improve life in Sudan. Among them are Enough! (, Save Darfur Coalition ( ), the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur (,  and Africa Action (



Pray PDF Print E-mail

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud, and he shall hear my voice. Psalm 55:17

As women of faith, we rely on prayer as one of our most important spiritual practices. Pray for our efforts, the people of Sudan, and all the work underway around the world to bring peace and renewed viability to that part of the world.

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